Cynthia’s Poem

During our latest trip to North Dakota a woman shared her fears with the group about leading her peers in movement. She felt some pressure to get it right. She then wrote this beautiful poem:

She said it’s ok to fail

it’s ok to fall down

it’s ok to let it all go

but then I froze

I was stuck

I was rigid and unmoving

I was afraid of failure

afraid of not being perfect

afraid of not getting it right

afraid of not being ok

she said feel the music

make it up

be free

but I needed or thought I needed more instruction more guidance

I felt the music

I followed along

I was trying

I was trying so hard to get it right

I was stuck in my head

once I let the first tear fall from my eye

Then I understood that I could let go

then I could truly Dance To Be Free


Puddy in your hands


Our 12th state, North Dakota